Friday, April 13, 2007

Clear the Smear: A tribute to Fuller, Wood and Waitley

For me, the toughest part of watching the Minkow attacks on USANA have been the personal attacks aimed at Gil Fuller (see my previous mention of him in my archives), Dr. Tim Wood and Dr. Denis Waitley.

These three men have had long and successful careers and have distinguished themselves by their actions. In a world that seems to recognize and reward rhetoric rather than behavior -- these three men walk their talk. I have found each to be honorable, honest and respectful individuals.

Minkow has smeared all three of these men to the point that the uninformed would believe that they are evil and conniving men just out to make a buck. A careful examination of their personal lives and their business careers would reveal that these three individuals are good men.

I hope this campaign does not permanently scar the otherwise praise worthy careers that Gil, Tim and Denis have enjoyed.

For what its worth -- I think the greatest challenge facing USANA is the prospect that some day each of these three individuals will retire or move on to other opportunities and will leave a huge hole that will be near impossible to fill.

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